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TSAGHKADZOR, Armenia (RFE/RL) – Armenia’s first-ever major solar power plant went on stream on Friday, September 29 with a senior government official predicting the country’s growing reliance on renewable sources of energy. Read more.
Asadour Tarakchian and his staff from Tutor Doctor presented science experiments at 2017 Summer Camp Zavarian. One of the experiment was a Zip Line challenge where the kids had to think creatively and engineer/fashion a bucket to zip a golf ball down a “zip line.”
SAN JOSE, CA – Five girls from the Karbi village in Armenia are finalist in the Global Technovation challenge, an international global organization that promotes girls in STEM.  From 3,000 global teams representing 105 countries, 12 final teams were selected in a Global Technovation challenge with the directive to develop an innovative mobile application. Read...
Green Armenia recently received 14 applications for its 2017-2018 environmental fellowship. The applicants were interviewed and the winner was selected in early June. Gevorg Guloyan, Mkhitar Avetisyan and Irina Mkrtchyan are the winners for their Fests Go Green Project, that aims toward proper waste management and public education at the upcoming Areni Wine Festival in...
(Glendale, CA, June 20, 2017) – The Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America (AESA) is delighted to announce that its past president and a long-time member of the AESA, Vasken Yardemian has been appointed by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to advise the Ministry of Environment of Lebanon on a short term assignment. Yardemian is...
By Sarkis Barkhoudarian, Chairman, Research and Educational Grant Project Committee, GLENDALE – One of the lesser-known crises in Armenia today is the increasing lack of technical books and academic texts written in Armenian. These books are either unavailable, becoming outdated, or falling apart due to age. Because of the lack of financial resources, no new...
AESA continues supporting the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia. Click here to read the original article (in Armenian) on MNP website.
ԵՐԵՒԱՆ.- «Ազգ-բանակ-2017» խորագիրով ցուցահանդէսի ծիրին մէջ Կարէն Դեմիրճեանի անուան մարզահամերգային համալիրի տարածքին Ապրիլ 21-23 պիտի գործէ ցուցահանդէս մը, ուր կրթական ոլորտի շարք մը առաջատար հաստատութիւններ պիտի ծանօթացնեն իրենց ուսումնական պայմանները, արձանագրած յաջողութիւններն ու կրթական ծրագիրները: Click here to read the original article on Asbarez website.
It’s nearly a 6,000-mile trip from Yerevan, Armenia to Marion, Ohio. And there is no direct flight between the two cities. At least not yet. Despite the great distance, students from Ayb High School in Armenia’s capital city made their second trip to Marion to compete in the National Robotics Challenge. Click here to read...
AESA curent president Vrej Aghajanian and AESA SO co-chair Svetlana Arutyunova at Nune Hakhverdyan’s “Barev” program.
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