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Science | Technology | Engineering | Mathematics


Our mission is to aspire students and kids to be creators and leaders of the future where science, technology and engineering will shape the world. Learning Robotics will instill scientific and critical thinking, engineering discipline,  and teamwork all of which are necessary tools for a brave new world.


Our vision is for Robotics to serve as an educational tool to promote STEM topics and concepts.


The Robotics Program of AESA Stem Academy was founded in 2019 by Arin Abed and John-Emmanuel Shirajian as a joint program between Ribet Academy and AESA. Today it consists of two distinct parts, the Robotics class and the Robotics competition team, both which meet at the Hoogasian Lab at Ribet Academy.

Using Lego Mindstorms-based kits, kids in the robotics class build and program their own robot, learning about the different components along the way from rotating instructors who work in industries. In addition, the students get one-on-one attention from regular instructors.

The Robotics Competition team was formed when students asked to continue their education in a more advanced manner. The team works season by season building a robot to meet competition guidelines. Currently, AESA Stem Academy has a team, #AESARobotix participating with the FIRST Tech Challenge.

The program owes many thanks to its generous sponsors, George and Alice Hoogasian, volunteer employers’ contributions, Navy FAC and the Boeing Company, and the City of Glendale through their Community Development Block Grant Fund.