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Membership Perks

AESA members may take advantage of perks and benefits provided by partnering entities that support the AESA:

Partners Perks and Benefits Provided


  • Discounted Engineering and Product Design Services — These services may include but are not limited to, 3D modeling, FEA Analysis, CFD Analysis, CAD administration, migration, conversion, digitization, product ideation, hardware and electronic design, manufacturing design support, and schematic drawings.
  • SOLIDWORKS certification program — Access to 1 year SOLIDWORKS Student versions and coupons for Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) and Professional (CSWP) exams. EngineerX will conduct monthly check-in calls to help members continue down the path of preparedness to take the exam. Online tutorials will be available.
Armenian Volunteer Corps

  • Attendance in one forum or excursion at no cost pending space availability.
  • Expedited processing times for the AVC application at no cost for the expedited service.
  • AESA members should ensure that they meet AVC’s eligibility and program requirements, including minimum age of 32, minimum service duration of two weeks, minimum weekly commitment of 20 hours, and more as outlined at
  • For those AESA members who are accepted as volunteers, AVC will provide full logistical support free of charge, including:
    • Pre-service orientation and welcome package
    • Airport pickup
    • Armenian language classes
    • Networking opportunities with other in-country volunteers
    • Forums and activities to help integrate into Armenia
    • Full office support and co-working space
    • Lifetime Alumni status upon successful completion of the program
Hero House

  • Access to co-working space
  • Guidance and mentorship for startups on commercializing products, applying for patents, building business plans and pitch decks, business growth and development, and raising capital.
  • Access to a network of other entrepreneurs, professionals,
  • Access to an Angel investment group.
  • Access to Smartgate VC’s business accelerator program.